What is FORMED?
Welcome to FORMED, a revolutionary tool to invigorate your parish and reach out to your local community with the fullness of the Truth.
You’ll get straightforward instructions, tips, and ideas to plug FORMED into:
• Ongoing ministries and catechetical programs in your parish
• Discipleship groups, raising up the laity of your parish to form other missionary disciples to build, lead, and multiply discipleship groups
• Homes, developing the habit of accessing FORMED and infusing faith into daily family life
• Neighborhoods, engaging those within your parish boundaries by offering FORMED access, providing outreach to fallen away Catholics or those who have questions about the Catholic Faith
How to Sign-up for FORMED
Follow the steps in sequence below
1. Launch your browser (IE, Firefox, Chrome, etc..) with the following URL address https://archkl.formed.org/
2. Enter your Name and Email address

3. And you're In! Have Fun!
How to Sign In to FORMED
1. To Sign In to FORMED, visit https://formed.org and click SIGN IN

2. Enter your Email address

3. Check your Email

4. Click Sign in Now

5. And you're In! No password required